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發布日期:2018-07-09 09:00:00 閱讀(1108) 作者:投資研究中心 范國和







?? 棉花及PTA上半年行情回顧

?? 棉花產業供需狀況分析與預測

?? 總結及2018年下半年行情展望

?? 策略推薦



n??The latest USDA’s report shows that the global cotton production shortfall will be 1.079 million tons in 2018/19. The world cotton market will become tight.

n??Domestic cotton production will decline in 2018/19, with increase in consumption and drop in ending stocks, leading to the expansion of production and demand gap.

n??In 2018, the actual sowing area of cotton in China was 49 million mu, 807,000 mu or 1.6 percent less than one year ago. Among them, Xinjiang’s actual sowing area was 34.57 million mu, increased by 2.2 percent year-on-year.

n??PX will have a large capacity release, with loose supply and relatively weak demand. The supply and demand of PTA is basically balanced, and the PTA price elasticity is small. Meanwhile, polyester downstream demand should be concerned.


?? Market review of cotton and PTA in 1H18

?? Analysis and forecast on supply and demand of Cotton Industry

?? Summary and market outlook for 2H18

?? Strategy recommendation

20180709前海期貨—蛋白粕產業鏈半年報—供需格局改善疊加成本支撐 蛋白粕走強可期.pdf

